Why is it so hard to get a job when you graduate?
Why is it so hard to get a job when you graduate?
Here I am, in 2022 and I have yet to get a job in my field of choice. I don't know what I am doing wrong. I am trying to learn more like Tailwind and Bootstrap and even some Backend coding languages to help expand my knowledge but I just am stuck. A lot of jobs are calling for senior web developers or something along that line. I know I can't be the only one who had or has this issue.
Right now I am back to customer service, but I am working on my portfolio which will hopefully show what I can do for people that will hire me. I also plan to open my own business in the future, but I want the experience with a firm. Anyone have suggestions would be nice. I'm just totally wondering...what am I doing wrong and now that I am going back to school for my B.A. in Multimedia Development and Design, I can't screw it up.
Thanks for any advice.